Flex direction

  • display: flex makes the element a flex container. Child items automatically become flex items without extra markup
  • display: inline-flex similar
  • flex-direction: row (default) - main axis is from LEFT to right, cross axis is from TOP to BOTTOM. Flex items stack across the page horizontally
  • flex-direction: column swaps the main and cross axis. Item now stack from Top to BOTTOM


  • flex-wrap: nowrap (default) - items do not wrap and fit themselves into the width or height available
  • flex-wrap: wrap items wrap when not enough space remaining (white space may be left)


  • order: 0 (default) - set on a child item
  • order: 1 applied to a child item orders this after other items if all others still at the default 0
  • can use negative indexes

Alignment and centering


Affects the main axis (LEFT to RIGHT with default flex-direction: row).

  • justify-content: flex-start (default) - content is left justified
  • justify-content: flex-end right justified
  • justify-content: center centered
  • justify-content: space-between spread from left to right with gaps between elements
  • justify-content: space-around spread the space not only between but also around the items e.g. on the left AND right of all items if the main axis is LEFT to RIGHT


Affects the cross axis, so if using the default direction of row, this will be from TOP to BOTTOM. Will therefore need height specified for this to work (e.g. height: 100vh).

  • align-items: stretch (default)
  • align-items: center returns items to their natural height and centres them on the cross axis (also flex-start and flex-end)
  • align-item: baseline if items are different heights, ensures the text within all items aligns at the base (SUPER USEFUL)


Affects the cross axis, and specifies where any extra space should go. Therefore, only has an effect IF there are multiple rows (so probably need to set wrap).

This can be confusing, but align-content determines the spacing between lines, while align-items determines how the items as a whole are aligned within the container. When there is only one line, align-content has no effect.

  • align-content: stretch (default)
  • align-content: flex-start all items are returned to their natural height and at the top
  • etc


Exactly like align-item but applied on an item so you can override the container's align-items value.

Flexbox sizing with flex

What do I do with any extra space? What do I do when I don't have enough space? At what proportion should I scale myself up or down when I have extra space or not enough space.

  • .box {flex: 1;} make everything the same width
  • .box2 {flex: 2;} give this box twice as much space as everything else

flex combines the following properties:

  • flex-grow (what to do with extra space) - default is 0
  • flex-shrink (what to do when not enough space) - default is 1
  • flex-basis (what is the default ideal size e.g. 400px) - default is 0px

Fully specified this then becomes:

  • flex: 1 1 400px

When wrapping, flex-basis, flex-grow and flex-shrink only apply to elements in the same row.


Follow instructions on npm Autoprefixer page for JavaScript and Gulp.

Useful tricks

Select all flex items

.flex-container > * {
  flex: 1 1 100%;