Automating Memory Dump Generation

  1. Open performance monitor to set up collection of a new data set
  2. Create a new user defined data collector set
  3. Choose performance counter alert
  4. Identify performance counter to monitor e.g. Processor > % processor time to monitor CPU usage
  5. Once created, drill down to the actual data collector set and set the Alert Task to run a scheduled task by just entering the name. Also check the Alert Sample Interval on the first page is appropriate.
  6. Create a scheduled task as defined to e.g. do a memory dump using adplus e.g. adplus -quiet -hang -pn w3wp.exe -o c:\temp, send an email
  • Ensure the memory dump doesn't exacerbate the resource being monitored and if necessary stop the data collection using logman e.g. logman stop "CPU Spike Alert"

Debugging Web Server CPU Spikes

  • WinDbg - graphical interface debugger
  • cdb - command line debugger - can generate memory dumps

Download and install the Windows 7 SDK. This will create a DTW directory (Debugging Tools for Windows) in the Program Files directory with a number of tools. adplus.vbs is a script which calls cdb.exe to perform a memory dump

Use adplus to create a memory dump and then open in windbg.

!runaway will list all threads and memory usage in time wrt process uptime .time to give system and process uptime stats ~17s will set the context to the thread id 17 k to dump the native call stack (in context of previously set thread) !clrstack to show managed code (NOTE this command is available in the sos dll so needs to be loaded using .loadby sos clr) !name2ee * [modulename].[symbolname] e.g. RandomBehaviour.SpinLoop will enumerate through all assemblies (as indicated by the *) !savemodule 00ed5560 c:\temp\buggy-code.dll will save the dll to file so it can be loaded by e.g. .NET reflector and the reflected code analysed